







ELOHIMLEAK】from now on under this title I will post immediately the most recent information from Elohim about what s happening on Earth in the most secret governments services .The people governing this planet must know that Elohim are watching us and know everything, no Top secret information or state secret from any government can be hidden from them.

【外星人耶洛因揭密】:一些以色列政府内部的人,为了反击世界对加沙与巴勒斯坦所遭受的苦难的同情,准备在特拉维夫(Tel Aviv以色列港市)或者耶路撒冷(Jerusalem)策划一个“伪装”攻击(false flag attack:即自导自演技俩,然后嫁祸给想要攻击的敌军)来导致上千以色列平民丧生,以此嫁祸巴勒斯坦恐怖分子,而该恐怖分子会因最新的意识控制技术而沦为精神病患者,他将会误认为他正从他的神那里收到直接的指令。然后以色列秘密机构将他提供海量炸药伪装成哈马斯成员(哈马斯组织:激进分子),并让他能够进入受袭场所(很可能是在体育场或者其它聚集上千人的活动当中)。这些以色列政府顶层官员为了阻止世界因为加沙事件而站在巴勒斯坦那一边,宁愿牺牲自己的上千民众,然后制造新一轮针对巴勒斯坦的种族灭绝攻击。接下来,对所有巴勒斯坦幸存者,他们将以“为了保护他们”的名义而强制疏散他们,以欢迎一个阿拉伯同盟国家和所有巴勒斯坦领土的合并。(来自雷尔弥勒的facebook,2015.8.21)

ELOHIMLEAK】some in Israel government in order to counter the world sympathy for Gaza and the Palestinian suffering are thinking about creating a false flag attack in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem where a powerful bomb will kill thousands of Israeli citizen then blame it on a Palestinian terrorist who will be a psychiatric patient manipulated by the most recent mind control techniques, making him believe that he is receiving direct orders from his god, then the Israeli secret services providing him huge amount of explosives disguised as Hamas members and give him access to the site of the ” terrorist attack” probably a sport stadium or another event gathering thousands of people. These Israeli government top officials are willing to sacrifice thousands of their own citizen in order to stop the world from siding with Palestinians over Gaza, and then create a new devastating genocidal attack against Palestinians, the following up consisting of the forced evacuation of all Palestinians survivors ” for their own protection” to a welcoming allied Arabic country and the annexation of all Palestinian territories .

【外星人耶洛因揭密】我不确定接下来在我再揭露几个阴谋后我还能在地球上活多久,因为我现在被美国和以色列的机密机构的名单里被列为是要被“终结”的人……但即使我消失了,会有人取代我,并从我们的创造者那里接收到情报,要么是新的最高指导员会取代我,要么是其他仅为了揭密而揭密的人(他不会是新的先知,因为不再会有先知了),又或者是被选举出来的新的雷尔利安运动领导人。他的使命将是并仅限于揭露国家机密,仅此而已。耶洛因会确保无论我发生了什么事,他们都会继续拯救地球人类。(来自雷尔弥勒的facebook 2015.8.21)

ELOHIMLEAK : I am not sure that I will live a long time on Earth after the few revelations I am about to make as I am now on the list of people who need to be ” terminated” by US and Israel secret services…But even if I disappear somebody will replace me and receive the information from our Creators, either the new elected Guide of Guide who will replace me or somebody else who will reveal himself ONLY for this purpose and will not be a new Prophet (there will be no more ) or somebody chosen to be the new Raelian Movement leader.His mission will ONLY be to reveal state secrets and absolutely nothing more.Elohim will make sure that whatever happen to me they will continue to try to save Humanity.



关于“耶洛因揭密”ELOHIM LEAK


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